Here are a few of my favor Sweet Tea Dresses (even though I love them ALL):

Q&A with Tammy:
Why did you decide to start your own business?
I have a full time job, but needed a hobby. My Mom has always been involved in sewing, but when I was younger, I just didn’t take an interest in it. After my son went to college, I decided it was time to learn! I’d always admired beautiful quilts, so enrolled in a beginner’s quilting class. After several years of quilting, my Mom and I started making little girls dresses! This is a fabulous hobby for both of us that has turned into a business!
What exactly does Sweet Tea Dresses entail?
We make pillowcase dresses, jumpers, reversible jumpers, travel and children’s pillowcases with embroidery, quilts, etc. All are hand made.
What advice do you give to other female entrepreneurs?
Do what you love! There are times when things are hectic and you feel overwhelmed, but it you truly love your craft, you’ll be fine!
What are 3 things people don't know about you?
That I’m a quilter! That I recently went on a Quilting Cruise to the Caribbean! And, that I talk to my dogs while I sew!
Thank you Tammy!!!!
Twitter: @sweetteadresses
Facebook: Sweet Tea Dresses
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