From the time I started my company, it has always been a challenge for me to get my website up to par. I have always thought my pictures did not do my jewelry justice and when I have asked for feedback on my website, people agreed with me about the pics.
I met Katie a few years ago but was not able to truly appreciate her work until she shot my wedding reception. The pictures were amazing! When I realized I needed a revamp of my website, I knew I had to go to her to retake all the pics of my jewelry. I am not aware of the ins and outs of photography nor how to take creative and unique looking pictures. I absolutely fell in love with the pictures she took of my jewelry so far and cannot wait for her to take pictures of the remaining pieces.
Q&A with Katie
1. What made you want to become a photographer?
I've always been the one in my family who enjoys the act of taking photos. But for awhile I wanted to go into film-making until I began to realize how hard it is to do on your own. Photography is a lot easier. And even one still image can be really powerful. When I learned concrete examples of the history learned, and the change that has happened because of photographs, I decided to study photojournalism. I love the variety and the access that photography provides. To be invited in and learn about different people/places/events that I would never have otherwise is fantastic. From my first published photograph, I've been hooked on the variety and the future possibilities.
2. What challenges have you faced?
About the time I graduated from college was when the newspaper industry was beginning it's, uh turmoil? (I refuse to say demise) So one of my biggest challenges has been coming to terms with that and looking for other kinds of work. And of course flash/strobe lighting.
3. Where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully, I will be well on my way to having enough photography clients to be able to ditch my day job. And I hope at least a part of that work will be for personal projects and/or non-profit organizations.
4. What advice do you have for other women entrepreneurs?
It's corny but true - just keep at it. No matter how little or slowly, just keep going. Listen to and even seek advice from others, but know that you don't always have to follow it. (You know, unless it's something like paying taxes)
5. What are three things people do not know about you?
1) I went to Space Camp twice and loved it
2) I've lived in 9 different states
3) I'm starting a food blog soon! Hopefully this winter/spring
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