Have you ever started singing a song and have NO idea how your know all the lyrics? This happens to me a lot with songs, especially ones from back in the day. I have not always been the sophisticated lady I am today and I never claimed to have liked the most "lady like" songs.
This was never an issue until E started to get old enough to understand what I am saying and even repeat words. As I was going for a relaxing run ALONE last week, I was trucking along listening to my Biggie station on Pandora. Singing along not paying attention really ... I don't even think I realized I was singing. Anywho, at some point I started hearing what I was singing and all I can say is ther lyrics were so degrating to women. I was thankful I was alone and that there was no one around from me.
Then earlier this week I was in the car with the kids and Salt N Pepa came on and I was singing along. I heard E in the back just humming and laughing.
It was then I realized I really need to start listening to more kid appropropriate music. I have since added a lullaby station on my pandora for when I am running and have one of the kids :)