Wednesday, November 14, 2012

30 Days of Thanks - Days 8 to14

I cannot believe it is already mid-November.  This time of year flies and I continue to have more and more to be thankful for.

Day 8 - I am thankful to be able to help two children celebrate Christmas this year through the adopt a child at work.  My team has adopted two children and I am truly blessed to help!

Day 9 - I am thankful for Fridays, which mark the end of a crazy work week and two full days to spend with my spunky daughter and amazing husband. 
Day 10 - I am thankful for my friends.  I had a whole day off from being a "mommy" and went to the beach shopping with my friend.  It was a beautiful day and I just what I needed!!!

Day 11 - I am thankful my husband is handy around the house.  We have always lived in older houses, which require a lot of work.  Our new house is no different.  If you saw the green, blue and white walls in the family room where he ripped down wallpaper, you would understand.

Day 12 - I am thankful for all of vets who fight for our country.  I feel blessed to live in this country!

Day 13 - I am thankful for E's new sleep schedule.  Having her asleep by 8pm in her crib is a blessing in disguise!!!  I am able to spend a few hours doing stuff around the house or just relaxing watching some cheesy shows my husband despises :)

Day 14 - I am thankful for technology.  E was able to speak to both sets of her grandparents last night on Facetime. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30 Days of Thanks - Day 1 through 7

In honor of Thanksgiving, I will be doing 30 days of thanks...7 days at a time.

Day 1
I am thankful for my family.  I would not survive without them.  I am so lucky to have such amazing in-laws as well.  We are so excited for our new addition in February!!!!

Day 2
I am thankful for a healthy pregnancy.  So far this pregnancy has flown by with no issues.  Praying for a non-eventful next 3 months :)

Day 3
I am thankful to have a job that helps put a roof over our head and food on the table.

Day 4
I am thankful for my grandmother and her health.  Everytime I see her, she teaches me something, mainly how to love unconditionally.  She is an amazing person.

Day 5
(this one is a little selfish)  I am thankful for coffee.  This has been a LONG week at work and poor little E has been sick, which means less sleep for us all.

Day 6
I am thankful for my amazing husband, who is also an amazing dad.  This week he has really picked up th slack since I have been working so much.

Day 7
I am thankful to live in this country.  Freedom.  Opportunity.  We know this does not come easy but if we work together, our country will prosper.  We need to stick together and help out all the Hurricane Sandy victims, especially with this Noreaster approaching.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Country Fashion

I think we can all agree that all 12 of Carrie Underwood's outfits were AMAZING!!!  I am not sure I can pick a favorite. 

Random thoughts:

  • Does Hillary Scott ever NOT wear black?  We all know black is flattering but it is nice to change it up every once in a while.
  • Jennifer Nettles is so cute...even 9m preg!!
  • Kellie Pickler's bizz cut to support her friend was amazing!!
  • Faith Hill is too skinny!!
  • Luke Bryan is hot!

I'll end on that note :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Sometimes we (even us moms) need to take a step back and think about ourselves.  Today I have proven to myself and the world that us working moms and women in general can do it all.  Not only do I have a 15 month at home, another one on the way in February, but I also just got promoted at work.  I truly never thought this would happen.  In such a coporate field, sometimes us women fall short of truly being appreciated.  Today that is NOT that case (well at least not for me). 

I am lucky enough to work for a team that my hard work pays off.  All those late nights my husband had to put Emily to sleep, logging in from home, checking emails, etc...all seems worth it in the end.  I can multi-task!!  I can be a good mom and also work!!!  "I CAN" is the key word!!  Us women doubt ourselves too much.  We "HOPE" rather than "DO".

Now with that being said, I never want to miss out on my kids lives.  It is all about balance and support.  I am constantly working to better myself, which will be a continuous cycle.

BUT today is about me!  My accomplishments!  My happy little life :)

~Adrienne xoxo