Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The neverending ladder...

I work in a field dominated by men so I know what it feels like to climb the ladder SLOW.  Last week we had Tamara Jacobs come speak to our WIN Committee (Women's Initiative Network).  I was instantly drawn by what she was saying.  I always here people say "Be The Brand" but what does that really mean?  Do women and men need to brand themselves differently?

The first line of the the Girl Scout Promise is "On my honor, I will try".  The key word is "try".  From a young age girls are taught to try to do their best and hope it is good enough.  On the flip side, the Boy Scout Oath is "On my honor, I will do my best".  The key word here is "will". 

The funny thing is sometimes I find myself thinking "well if it works then good, if not oh well".  I try my best and hope that it gets noticed and appreciated.  The guy next to me does not try, instead he walks in a demands more money or a promotion.  He is looked at as strong but if a woman did that, they may be called the b word.

Should we accept this?  NO.  I truly believe there is a happy medium.  You do not have to be pushy and demanding but make your goals and objectives known.  If you sit back then year after year, that list of promotions is going to come out and guess whose name won't be on it?!?

Fact: Only 12 Fortune 500 Companies are run by woman.  2%

Even if there is only 12, these woman rock and should be role models for women everywhere.  Don't give up!